Online College Access Comes at a High Price for Students, Survey Says – Technology – The Chronicle of Higher Education

From the Chronicle. Some schools charge more, and a few charge less for online tuition.

Online College Access Comes at a High Price for Students, Survey Says – Technology – The Chronicle of Higher Education.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Huong N

    Some people think that online classes costs should be the same as on-campus classes; however, online classes are more convenient therefore it should cost more. People have the cost to choose which option they want. If online classes suits their lifestyle more then they will be willing to pay the costs.

  2. Ujval Rajput

    Online classes tend to me more likeable for students these days because of their flexibility. There is no exact time when you are supposed to be in class. I think in near future online classes will be really big. It should cost more according to me.

  3. Rae Fraser

    I do think online classes should cost more because the student can choose when to complete certain courses. It is up to them to check their courses and assignments to see when they are due and when new work is added. They only have a certain time frame of when to complete it but other than that they can do their online work at their leisure.

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