Presentation about Future of Higher Education

Here are links to articles, news, and resources from my recent presentation at the 18th annual Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, hosted by the University of Wisconsin.…

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Presenting at Distance Teaching and Learning conference

Here is the summary blurb for the presentation on Thursday August 6th. Higher education is undergoing change, which can be very challenging for traditionalists. The value proposition for pursuing…

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Presentations by IDT faculty candidate Dr. Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw on April 26th

As Chair of the ICL Search Committee, I invite you to presentations by Dr. Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw, a candidate for a faculty position in Instructional Design and Technology within the Instruction and Curriculum…

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(Updated) Draft of faculty position in Instructional Design and Technology at the University of Memphis

Update on Feb 25, 2016 This job is now available on WorkforUM (the official place to apply).

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